
Mariana Samaan Law Firm wants to give our visitors a premium and secure experience, hence ensuring that we have some terms and conditions for visiting our website. These terms and conditions are put in place for the improvement of our client and visitor experience. If anyone refuses to follow these terms, they must leave our website immediately.
We request every user or visitor to do the responsible thing to go through our terms and condition, so they can be sure if they should be visiting our website or not. If you disagree with our rules then please leave our website.

Rights & Ownership

Mariana Samaan Law Firm is the sole owner of the website and all the content presented on it. The text, graphical images, and product images present on our website are our sole property and nobody has the right to reuse our content for commercial use. You cannot use our content to promote your own business. We do allow you to use the contents in terms of fair use, which includes sharing our data to promote our business, giving fair reviews, and creating promotional content about our products or services. If anyone tries to use our content for promoting their own business, we will be obligated to take rightful legal action against them in the name of copyright infringement.

Service & Payments

Our website does not have any payment system. Payments for the services you need may vary depending on the complications of your case. Hence, we do not have pricing for our services and no payment processor on our website. Charges for the services you order will be shared with you during consultation. Beware, if someone is using our name and asking you to pay online then contact us immediately at the email address, we have provided on the home page.

Service Cancellations

Cancelations can be accepted under certain conditions. But make sure that if you want to cancel a service, you do it as soon as possible, and with good reason. Because once the needed documentation is prepared for your service, you will have to pay documentation charges.

Client Support

To ensure that you get a good response from our client support team you will have to share your personal and contact information. Because if we don’t have that information, we won’t be able to get back to you on time. To make sure that your questions and concerns are properly answered, we will keep your data safe in our database, so that we can refer to it if you ever need further assistance from us.

Link To Third Party Sites

There may be links to third-party websites on some of our web pages. The purpose of these links is not promotional and we don’t do any endorsements. These links may be present on our website as a reference to any claim we have made, or information we have shared on our website. If you wish to proceed and visit these links, please do it of your own accord. We will not be responsible for any inconvenience that may occur to you. We are only responsible for our website alone and we have taken considerable steps to make sure that you get a perfect experience. Regarding the third-party links on our website, they are not our responsibility.


All the logos and brand names present on our website, are property of the respective owners. With the exception of our own logo and brand name, we don’t own any other trademarks present on the website.


To use our website further you have to agree to the above-mentioned rules we have shared with you. Otherwise, you are not allowed to continue browsing our website. Please follow our terms and conditions or otherwise we will be forced to evict you from our website.

Further Guidance

If you have any confusion, doubts, or any type of questions about our services and products, you can contact us via the contact us form or the contact information we have provided.